Monday 4 December 2017

flatting assignment

my narrative

One normal day homeless man Evan raised enough money to buy some clothes from the warehouse. So he walks off down the street of chinatown. As he walked down the street he got spit on and shouted at but that was a normal thing for him but he could see the warehouse sign he was close.

Evan finally arrived at the warehouse. He takes a step in and this is what he heard. “hey you yea you get out right now” said the manager. He was getting kicked out for no reason but everyone deeply knew what it was for it was because he was too scruffy and non-hygienic. But suddenly after the manager told him to leave an employee yelled out hey come here no not you Brendon the homeless man you deserve to be able to buy something so he said he will get evan whatever he wants. evan was so happy and grateful he only got some water and clothes.

later that year they both took a stand against homeless people privileges they made a law that you can't kick homeless people out of stores and that they are allowed to get jobs even if they don't look the best later that day logan and even liked each other so much even moved in with Logan and even got a job at kmart they were the best of friends.   

Monday 30 October 2017

electronics tech

today I have printed my cartoon for my light show then I have drilled my holes and glued the pic onto my cardboard and now I am soldering my wires to my pink tape and putting on the resistors

Thursday 21 September 2017

we played a game called snail race we hade numbers up to 12 and we rolled to dice and added them up and whatever number it was moved at the end 5 7 6 now we just found out that 7 is the best number cause it has more chances than the rest

Tuesday 5 September 2017

this weeks mandarin lesson we learnt how to say all numbers up to 10 and the signs for it. we also learnt about the zodiac animals. my zodiac animal is rooster what is yours.

Image result for zodiac animals          Image result for mandarin numbers

Tuesday 15 August 2017

our new writing

last week we did persuasive writing we had a comp to persuade the class we had the number one pet the teacher gave us a weird pet here is our writing

Have you ever wanted a pet but your parents wouldn't let you get them well now you can… Get a piranha, yes I know they are one of the most dangerous fish in the world but no piranhas hardly attack people and it's not like you're gonna be touching it or anything. Now you don't have to throw out your scraps to just rot in your bin you can feed everything to the piranha, bones meat veggies even dead rats or mice that have died, also you don’t have to buy rubbish bags for your old rotting meat.

Reason 1: Piranhas would be a good pet because they are like a garbage eating machine inside your house.
Don't you just hate it when your cat brings in a rat or a bird? Well no more! If you get a piranha you can dispose of all of the disgusting things that get dragged in your house you can say later and just chuck them in the tank! Piranhas eat everything cow, human, rat, dog, cat, pretty much everything `300 or 500 piranhas to eat it a cow  especially red belly piranha
Reason 2 if you have a piranha you will be the coolest kid in the whole school, .all of your friends will want to come see it. Imagine being the most popular kid in the school all thanks to your piranha. If you have a friend and you want them to come around tell them you have a pet piranha and you will get an easy yes!!!!! Time to step up your game and get a piranha !!!!!!!.nowwwwwwwwww

Reason 3:  When you give piranhas food you won't end up having to empty your rubbish bags because piranhas don’t use rubbish. So it saves money for having to buy rubbish bags for all your old rotting meat. Also, you don’t have to feed the piranhas as much as you have to feed dogs, cats and birds. Plus it won’t cost as much money to feed the piranhas as it does to feed other pets.